Ok, so there are a two reasons why I’ve decided to start a blog;

  • For entirely selfish reasons. I want something to look back on that has everything that happened while I was at University documented in chronological order! My only regret is that I waited until second year to do it and did not begin in first year.
  • To give people who may be considering the University of Essex a full insight into the life of students there.

A bit about me… 

I’m 19 and I’m a second year Law student at the University of Essex. I’m originally from West Yorkshire so as you can imagine moving south had it’s downfalls; the constant banter concerning my accent for one and the price of a pint to provide just a few examples. However it is just that, banter, it’s not something that anyone takes seriously and if you drink in the SU venues rather than town the drinks equal if not beat the prices in the north.

I lived in halls for my first year in a flat of 16 people sharing a kitchen, two showers and four toilets between us it was messy as f**k but it wasn’t intolerable it was a shock living with so many people though having come from a family home of just me and my Mum but it’s great because if you click the way my flatmates and I did then you have a second family right there. We had the best time that I could have ever hoped for wild parties, communal screenings of Game of Thrones, the Walking Dead, Breaking Bad and various movies. We had bad times; hospitalizations, friends dropping out and relatives being ill or passing away but we helped each other through like any family unit would.

I’m now moving off campus for my second year and living close to most of the people I shared a flat with in first year. We won’t speak about those we’re not living close too!

Last year I feel that I didn’t throw myself into University Life as much as I should have in terms of sports clubs and societies which is something I’m going to change this year however I’ve never had much trouble with the party side of things.

My aims with this blog…

  • To post important things that happen at University (both Essex and just in general)
  • To show readers what they have to look forward to at University.
  • To get different perspectives on things by asking flatmates to do guest posts when possible.
  • To document my time at university and immortalize it so I can always look back on my time there.
  • To have fun!

The University year has not yet begun and does not do do until the 2nd October 2014 however I will be moving to Colchester on 21st September 2014 and that is where my blog will begin I hope you enjoy and to my future self looking back what on Earth were you playing at?

Another thing that I should say is that I will never name anyone on any of my posts including myself because there may be things which people do not wish to be broadcast to the rest of the world.


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